When Radical Honesty Needs an Edit Button

I’m in therapy to help identify the ways I self-sabotage so I can course correct myself and get on track with the vision I have for myself.
This is why journaling is such a game changer. It allows you to process your unconscious mind and lets you see how far you’ve come in your work and life.
I cannot talk about brand strategy if I am not vocal about how storytelling is weaponized to coral others into a false of community by manufacturing fake outrage and fear.
Nothing reminds you how far you’ve come like taking a hundred steps back, professionally and personally.
I feel like I need to give a whole dissertation about why I hop from platform to platform, but the world is collapsing and I think my decision to move back to my old digital stomping grounds is not even in the top 1,000,000 of what’s priority right now.
As we enter eclipse season, there are opportunities for you to lean into a season of hustle or a season of flow.
I used to think I had a pretty strong work ethic comparable to my lifestyle. I justified the afternoon naps because I’d often bring the laptop to bed and work until 1am.
I wanted to reassure my conflicted mind that I was not taking steps back, even as I answer what feels like the millionth time “why did you take a traditional job?”
It’s not a perfect circle but rather a collection of broken pieces, coming together to make something beautiful.
To be honest, I never imagined I’d been living with an ADHD brain. I simply thought I was imperfect, slow to succeed, and built for mediocrity. It took years of breakdowns to understand my breakthroughs.