Nothing ever feels “right” and as I readjust my focus and vision, my strategy is as fluid as the wind.
In business, we’re taught to change when something is not working.
In spirituality, we’re taught to pay attention when signs present themselves.
Yet, we prioritize staying the course because we’re branded as inconsistent or indecisive when something doesn’t resonate. Or maybe that’s just another symptom of ADHD.
I am good at what I do but when I’m on an island without habitants, then am I still an expert when my audience is a bunch of face-painted volleyballs?
How does one find faith in continuity when they know people are listening but no one is talking back?
There’s an irony in my not wanting to do videos because I don’t feel comfortable talking into the void and yet I do it every day with the other parts of my brand.
I wonder why I’m not as visible when I refuse to be visibly present to the world. It’s one thing to be lonely by circumstance.
It’s quite a tough pill to swallow when the isolation is by design.
This is not a moment of “woe is me.” I know I’m going to be ok. I just finished outlining my next deck. I’ve cultivated a level of entrepreneurial resiliency that parallels insanity. I continue to go down this path against all odds because it’s what I’m compelled to do.
Faith is believing what you can’t visibly see…like a quiet audience.
It’s also about giving yourself permission to defy logic, data, and practical thinking.
It’s why my next deck will have a focus on being “uncontained” because your drive to thrive on your own terms is not for the faint of heart. It’s not for those who want the ease of stability, even if it’s an illusion.
Being uncontained means having no limits to who you want to be or how you want to live.
I’m not a strategist for business. I’m a champion for embodying your multi-passionate spirit.
Because who you are IS your competitive edge and when you’re aligned with what lights you up, you signal to others that it’s ok for them to do the same.